Crisis Support
Bespoke Casework
Focus: Providing advice, guidance, and maintaining oversight on any/all aspects of a young person’s asylum claim, daily challenges, and wellbeing profile. This includes practical support for engaging with social care and tribunals, overcoming barriers to education and health services, and navigating age disputes and immigration cases.
For Whom: Only open to participants already working with one or more of our departments.
1-1 Services
Focus: Depending on the needs a young person presents, we are able to make 1-1 engagdment in any of our departments available to young people in need. Our caseworkers ensure that young people can access any/all internal services that may benefit their wellbeing, as well as vetted services offered by our wider networks.
For Whom: Only open to participants already working with one or more of our departments.
Meet Our Casework Team
Anna MacDonald
Head of Support Services
Valentina Frassa
Our casework team spearheads the round tables of wellbeing assessment that we conduct for all young people whose cases we take on and works closely with team members across all departments to ensure the best possible duty of care for every young person.
Our casework team is also dedicated to creating and maintaining a held space in which young people can feel empowered and at the centre of the decision-making process surrounding the challenges they face.
The team meets with young people individually to discuss challenges and actionable options, and proceeds in the manner that the young person decides. We do not make decisions on behalf of a young person or dictate how these situations should be responded to. Instead we support them as they take action, and work only with their consent. By working in this way, we can model an empowering dynamic which does not exist in the asylum-system at present. In a world where young people seeking asylum can often feel powerless and exploited, our approach creates one space in which they can step into their own choices, and it’s highly impactful.